The beggining of the summer

 Ok for this first official article.. blank pages are so full of possibilities, its exciting.

the reason i decided to revamp my blog specifically now is because i wanted to get it done before i go on holidays, so i could write everything thats happened so far in the summer more progressively, instead of having to rewrite everything in a big dump at the end of the summer,

thus im starting in a chronogical order with a 3 in 1. 

pride was on june 29th, a whole month ago today.. honestly the reason i usually like to write blogs is bc my memory is so bad, i use them to remember and they generally need to be written like,, not too long after the event, or else i'll have forgotten.. so now i gotta seriously rack my brain.. 

well, i arrived first, which is rare, because i usually kinda try to be the second one to get there to avoid the awkward standing around moment (this generally backfires to me being the last one there, but oh well..). I didnt wait too long tho, Nene got there soon after me. I was dazzled as always.. she wore heels and she was so tall.. her dad was supposed to be there, but he wasnt for a reason i have now forgotten.

As we got out of the metro we ran into a couple of old german lesbian grannies who were tourists, and they asked us what was going on, and were bummed to miss pride (this was the day they were leaving). It was pretty cute tho.

Then we caught up to the party, but they hadnt started yet. Pride is always late, so its not really a surprise.We took advantage of this moment to take some pics. Then Nene saw a famous youtuber, and wanted to go up to him, but she was too shy,, even though i tried to hype her up.. I get it though.. I think if i saw someone famous Im a fan of, even if i really love them lots, I probably wouldnt go up to them either.

Anyways, not long after that, the walk started. I dont know if i just dont remember because a month has passed, but i feel like we walked less than last year. However, walking underneath all the trees full of pollen, my eyes were seriously getting itchy, and by the end, they were super red TT

We sat to rest a little, and a guy from the durex stand came up to us, saying he had gifts for us. He then handed us each a durex hat, and a big handful of condoms each. It was kinda hilarious. 

Then we filmed a parapara tiktok, my sweet banana, for the third pride in a row.. what can i say, I love traditions,,

then we went and listened to the concert.. its too bad because it seems like we juust missed a cool dj, and the number after.. let's just say it wasnt really for me. Then we struggled to find Nene's dad. He's a big bald white dude with a beard, and lets say at a pride parade, there are "beary" many lookalikes everywhere. We ended up finding him and heading out, and sat down at a place to eat and hang out. It was nice. I didnt get anything, but the conversation was real soul nourishing. (that makes it sound too deep, but really we just speculated on a certain fort boyard tv stars sexuality for a bit too long and went down an ao3 rabbithole together, as well adjusted people do).

Then we said goodbye! The forecast for the day was a storm, so the whole parade we were worried, but luckily it only rained after. I was freezing my ass off, but the fit was cute, so whatever.

Anyways on july 1st, I saw my older sister. She lives in the US, so we dont see each other often. We went to a spanish restaurant. I was super skeptical, because it seemed like a place for fancy people to go and feel exotic but that serves super butchered deflavourified versions of the foods in super tiny portions for too expensive. Actually, the portions were tiny, but everything was seriously so good... just thinking about it my mouth waters. It tasted as good as the authentic food, which was nice, because i miss spanish food lots. 

It was also really nice to catch up with my sister. At one point when we were talking, she brought up theater, andd I mentionned that i like to watch opera vids on youtube, and she spontaneously decided to take us while she was in Paris. She said she hasnt been in too long, so she got us tickets for Cossi fan tutte at the Palais Garnier for the wednesday right after. 

So, on July 3rd, I went to the opera for the first time! It was seriously a-ma-zing! Amazing enough to warrant two exclamation points ! On the day itself, we went to get something fancier to wear. I got a cute sorta 60s style dress, short and black. 

Then i had to go back home and rush to get ready, so i barely had the time to do my makeup before running out the door in a hurry! 


All that for my sister to get there 10minutes after me.. the "being early" curse strikes again. Anyways then we went in. I  couldnt help but be so wide eyed.. everything was so beautiful! The statues, the stairs, the red velvet, the painted ceiling. Im so prvileged and blessed.

 To be in such a famous and historical place, it always get me dreaming.. who else has walked these halls? Who else has seen and loved this show? And what a show! It was absolutely beautiful too! On the website it said it was a contemporary take, and i will say i was worried.. because im not the biggest enjoyer of the brutalist aesthetic, and even though i hope one day i get to see an opera with more traditional decor and costumes, the beauty of the singing and dancing definitely made up for it. It took me a second to understand that each character had a dancer and a singer, but once i did, the story wasnt hard to understand at all! And the subtitles definitely helped, lol. The story in itself was convoluted, but really fun, it was just the perfect ammount of unserious. 

Anyways i really hope I get to go again some day, because I definitely fell in love with the opera! I wont ramble on it for too long, but just thinking about it gives me the butterflies. And thats all i'll say for now!

      Thanks for reading,


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